Akali vs Teemo Baron lane gameplay :)Build Tips For Akali :First 3 items :Haunting Guise, Rabadon's Deathcap, infinity orb were must buy.but last 2 item w.
General Counter Tips . Akali . vs . Teemo . How to beat Akali with Teemo Click here for How to beat Teemo with Akali . Sorted By: Highest Rated Most Recent. 3. You can use your blind to negate the damage output of her Q,since she will not be able to proc it with a basic attack.
For instance, Akali?s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of 2.1 is greater than Teemo?s ratio of 1.8, showing that Akali may be more central to her team's team fighting effectiveness than Teemo. Akali usually has a much larger longest kill spree than her counter does. Typically, Akali takes more damage than Teemo.
As an example, Teemo?s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of 1.8 is less than Akali?s KDA ratio of 2.1, indicating that Teemo may be less central to his team's team fighting potential than Akali. Teemo usually has a significant smaller longest killing spree than his counter does. Commonly, Teemo receives less damage than Akali.
Commonly, Teemo receives less damage than Akali. This often reflects differing health capacities, but it can also hint that the one champion has less mobility and thus is unable to kite away from additional harm when poked or engaged. Teemo commonly takes a similar amount of CS than Akali.
As an example, Teemo ?s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of 1.8 is less than Akali ?s KDA ratio of 2.1, indicating that Teemo may be less central to his team's team fighting potential than Akali . Teemo usually has a significant smaller longest killing spree than his counter does. Commonly, Teemo receives less damage than Akali .
Akali . the Fist of Shadow. Alistar. the Minotaur. Amumu. the Sad Mummy. Anivia. the Cryophoenix. Annie. the Dark Child. Ashe. the Frost Archer. ... All Counter Tips . General Counter Tips . Teemo . vs . ... Although Teemo is easy to burst down for you, if you mess up he will win the sustained damage battle so you do need an escape plan should it.
17/03/2021 ÿú However, this also comes with risks. She is the worst ever champ to make a mistake in the entire game, because playing from behind as Akali is one of the hardest experiences in the game. However, getting a few kills early on can guarantee the win for you and your team. Advantages. 1. Intense Burst. 2. Shroud. 3. High mobility due to wall clip from E. 4.
vs . Katarina's ult can hit Akali even while she's in stealth. Use this to your advantage, especially when Akali uses her Shroud in teamfights. Because of her low cooldown on Sinister Steel, Katarina is able to constantly hit Akali even while she is in her Shroud. All of your abilities are able to hit a stealthed Akali ?;"