Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2021

How Many Electric Blue Acara In A 75 Gallon

Can electric blue Acara live with Oscars? You can have one with a Oscar I would say you need at least a 100 gallon 6 foot tank to have them together they live for about 10 years if kept in proper conditions also let him grow at least to 6 inches before you add a Oscar because they are slow growers.

18/03/2020 ÿú The average size of Electric Blue Acara is somewhere between 6 and 7 inches in length. This is a very manageable size and allows them to be comfortable in a fairly average tank. Electric Blue Acara Care. Electric Blue Acara care is fairly straightforward and easy to manage no matter how experienced you are.

Electric Blue Acara stand off, 02/05/2019 ÿú Breeding Electric Blue Acaras. Electric Blue Acaras are possibly one of the easiest Cichlids to breed. A breeding tank should be about 20 gallons and have slightly less plants than the main tank. For the substrate you can use large grains of sand and cover it with flat rocks.

02/08/2021 ÿú Tank size. These are quite large fish, and they do need plenty of swimming space, so the minimum tank size you?ll need is 30 gallons . When stocking your aquarium, be sure to allow one gallon of water per one inch of fish. The best tank shape to choose for the Blue Acara is long rather than tall.

Electric Blue Acara 101: Care, Tank Mates, Breeding.

Electric Blue Acara - Care Guide, Behaviour and Diet, Electric Blue Acara - Care Guide, Behaviour and Diet, Electric Blue Acara - Care Guide, Behaviour and Diet, 20/07/2020 ÿú What Size Aquarium Do Electric Blue Acara Need? One Electric Blue Acara should be kept within a minimum 30- gallon tank size. Allow 15 gallons of water per additional Acara that you add. Electric blue acara Tank mates. These fish are tranquil, and most species will get along in the tank.

Does anyone know if 1 electric blue acara would be ok in a 29 gallon tank with probably: 2 angelfish, 2-3 dwarf gouramis, 1 bristlnose pleco, a few panda Cory catfish OR a few black Kuhli loaches. The tank has live plants and a 50 gallon boi wheel filter. I?ll try to attach a picture with this question.

11/01/2015 ÿú Also, a standard 20L is big enough for a single Blue Acara type, as these mostly max out around 6, but rarely reach that size. A normal Blue Acara may coexist with a tough Apisto such as Cockatoos, but not in that small of a tank. The Electric Blue Acara has an unknown manmade origin, and the behavior cannot be predicted as readily.

27/09/2012 ÿú I understand that the fish needs to grow and not be stunted by a small tank, but I read that the Blue Acara will only grow to about 6-7 inches. I have a good filter (30-50 gallon filtration). The reason I ask is because I have an Electric Blue Jack Dempsey which is being chased around by the Acara (in a 55 gallon ).

22/06/2018 ÿú She had an Angel and 6 corydora in a 40 gallon w/Cascade 1000 filter (sand substrate, fake plants, some nice hiding spots) for 6 years. The Angel died about 6 weeks ago and she decided she wanted a new fish. She decided on an Electric Blue Acara . I kept a Blue Acara for 8 years and have some experience with them.;"