Approved Pamphlet Actara 25WG 28408 2014-08-27 Page 1 of 20 ... GUARANTEE: Thiamethoxam ..... 25 % . READ THE LABEL AND BOOKLET BEFORE USING KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN . CAUTION - EYE IRRITANT . REGISTRATION NO.: 28408. PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT . Syngenta Canada Inc. 140 Research Lane, Research Park . Guelph, ON . N1G 4Z3 . 1-877-964.
12/03/2021 ÿú Insektisida Actara 25 WG jenis pestisida sistemik, racun kontak dan lambung terbaik dengan teknologi terbaru produk PT Syngenta Indonesia.Toko Belanja Tani jual produk Syngenta terbaru harga murah.Rev.12/03/2021. Pestisida adalah komoditas utama usaha Syngenta saat ini salah satunya Fungisida yang bagus untuk cabe. Produk Syngenta menjadi salah satu merk pestisida unggulan.
In a 20 litre knapsack use 8 g ACTARA © (fill the cap of the ACTARA © pack to level evenly). Knapsack sprayers Using 1000 lt./ha: Use 8 g/20 litre and 6 g/15 litre knapsack for control of aphids and whiteflies. Using 500 lt./ha: Use 8 g/20 litre and 6 g/15 litre knapsack. To measure 8 g product, put Actara to the level of the sealing cap of the, Actara 25 WG , 1.5 g is a powerful systemic insecticide with excellent, quick, and long-lasting results against a broad range of foliar and soil insect pests. - Effective in low doses. - After ingestion or contact, the insect stops feeding and dies within 24 hours. The process is irreversible - Insects that have been affected by the product are.
Actara 25WG is a new broad-spectrum insecticide for foliar and soil application to control sucking and some chewing insect pests. Mode of Action: Actara 25WG displays root, leaf and stem -systemic activity. In target insects, it shows a quick stomach and contact action.
Actara 25 WG darb?bas meh?nisms ir kait?k?u nervu sist?mas receptoru darb?bas trauc??ana. Bezlietus periods - 2 stundas. B?stams bit?m. Lai aizsarg?tu bites un citus apputeksn?t?jus lietot p?c 22.00 un pirms 5.00 viet?s, kur: ir ziedo?as nez?les viet?s, kur bites.
29/05/2007 ÿú ACTARA 25 WG . Csereszny‚ben, meggyben, szilv ban lev‚ltetvek, akn z¢molyok ellen 30 g/100 l v¡z. Az Actara hat¢anyaga a tiametoxam ‚rint? ‚s gyomorm‚reg. Gyors kezdeti hat sa ak r 2-3 hetes tartamhat ssal is p rosul.
Actara 25 WG . ACTARA belongs to new chemical class neonicotinoids, used for the control of Aphids, Whitefly & Jassids (sucking pests) ACTARA is a robust insecticide which is fast-acting and therefore rapidly taken up by the plants, in any situation. Highly effective at low use rates against a broad spectrum of sucking, soil and leaf dwelling pests.
Get latest price of Actara Thiamethoxam 25 % WG Insecticide,Packaging Size - 8 g, 40 g, 1 kg, Brand - Actara , Technical Name - Thiamethoxam 25 % WG , Cas Number - 153719-23-4, Crop - Vegetables, Rice, Coffee, Cotton, Target Pests - Aphids, Whitefly and Jassids (Sucking Pests), from dealers, distributors and retailers in India. Also find details on Syngenta Insecticide prices, features ...;"