Jumat, 01 Oktober 2021

Actara 25 Wg

Obat Pertanian Pembunuh Serangga Insektisida Actara 25 WG [10gr] Insektisida sistemik bersifat racun kontak dan perut, berbentuk butiran yang dapat didispersikan dalam air, berwarna putih keabu-abuan, digunakan untuk mengendalikan rayap tanah ditanaman kelapa sawit dan hama serangga terutama jenis hemiptera pada tanaman apel, cabai, jeruk, kacang hijau, kacang panjang, kakao, kedelai, mangga.

Approved Pamphlet Actara 25WG 28408 2014-08-27 Page 1 of 20 ... GUARANTEE: Thiamethoxam ..... 25 % . READ THE LABEL AND BOOKLET BEFORE USING KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN . CAUTION - EYE IRRITANT . REGISTRATION NO.: 28408. PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT . Syngenta Canada Inc. 140 Research Lane, Research Park . Guelph, ON . N1G 4Z3 . 1-877-964.

12/03/2021 ÿú Insektisida Actara 25 WG jenis pestisida sistemik, racun kontak dan lambung terbaik dengan teknologi terbaru produk PT Syngenta Indonesia.Toko Belanja Tani jual produk Syngenta terbaru harga murah.Rev.12/03/2021. Pestisida adalah komoditas utama usaha Syngenta saat ini salah satunya Fungisida yang bagus untuk cabe. Produk Syngenta menjadi salah satu merk pestisida unggulan.

In a 20 litre knapsack use 8 g ACTARA © (fill the cap of the ACTARA © pack to level evenly). Knapsack sprayers Using 1000 lt./ha: Use 8 g/20 litre and 6 g/15 litre knapsack for control of aphids and whiteflies. Using 500 lt./ha: Use 8 g/20 litre and 6 g/15 litre knapsack. To measure 8 g product, put Actara to the level of the sealing cap of the, Actara 25 WG , 1.5 g is a powerful systemic insecticide with excellent, quick, and long-lasting results against a broad range of foliar and soil insect pests. - Effective in low doses. - After ingestion or contact, the insect stops feeding and dies within 24 hours. The process is irreversible - Insects that have been affected by the product are.

Actara 25WG is a new broad-spectrum insecticide for foliar and soil application to control sucking and some chewing insect pests. Mode of Action: Actara 25WG displays root, leaf and stem -systemic activity. In target insects, it shows a quick stomach and contact action.

Actara 25 WG darb?bas meh?nisms ir kait?k?u nervu sist?mas receptoru darb?bas trauc??ana. Bezlietus periods - 2 stundas. B?stams bit?m. Lai aizsarg?tu bites un citus apputeksn?t?jus lietot p?c 22.00 un pirms 5.00 viet?s, kur: ir ziedo?as nez?les viet?s, kur bites.

29/05/2007 ÿú ACTARA 25 WG . Csereszny‚ben, meggyben, szilv ban lev‚ltetvek, akn z¢molyok ellen 30 g/100 l v¡z. Az Actara hat¢anyaga a tiametoxam ‚rint? ‚s gyomorm‚reg. Gyors kezdeti hat sa ak r 2-3 hetes tartamhat ssal is p rosul.

Actara 25 WG . ACTARA belongs to new chemical class neonicotinoids, used for the control of Aphids, Whitefly & Jassids (sucking pests) ACTARA is a robust insecticide which is fast-acting and therefore rapidly taken up by the plants, in any situation. Highly effective at low use rates against a broad spectrum of sucking, soil and leaf dwelling pests.

Get latest price of Actara Thiamethoxam 25 % WG Insecticide,Packaging Size - 8 g, 40 g, 1 kg, Brand - Actara , Technical Name - Thiamethoxam 25 % WG , Cas Number - 153719-23-4, Crop - Vegetables, Rice, Coffee, Cotton, Target Pests - Aphids, Whitefly and Jassids (Sucking Pests), from dealers, distributors and retailers in India. Also find details on Syngenta Insecticide prices, features ...;"