MacConkey Agar - Purpose, Test and Results - (2021 - Updated), MacConkey Agar: Composition, Uses, Colony Characteristics.
Macconkey medium is used for the selective and differential growth of gram negative bacteria. The medium consists of ingredients such as peptone, lactose , bile salt, water, agar , etc. The lactose component of the agar is used as the source of fermentable carbohydrate and also serves to differentiate between lactose fermenting bacteria and.
22/03/2021 ÿú Lactose ? The Lactose present in the MacConkey Agar Medium (MAC) provides a rich source of carbohydrate for the rapid growth of the Bacterial cell and is the basis of making the MAC a differential medium, categorizing the bacteria into Lactose and Non-Lactose fermentors.
04/05/2018 ÿú Lactose ? The Lactose present in the MacConkey Agar Medium (MAC) provides a rich source of carbohydrate for the rapid growth of the Bacterial cell and is the basis of making the MAC a differential medium, categorizing the bacteria into Lactose and Non-Lactose fermentors.
14/08/2013 ÿú Lactose present in the medium is utilized by bacteria to form lactic acid that decreases the pH of the agar, and turns the indicator (neutral red) pink, thus differentiating lactose fermenters from non-lactose fermenters. Contents [ hide] 1 Composition of MacConkey Agar. 2 Principle of MacConkey agar.
Mannitol salt agar, Eosin Methylene Blue, Chocolate agar, Nutrient agar, Growth medium;"