Senin, 13 September 2021

Is Akali Still Good 10.7

25/02/2019 ÿú Akali is fairly good at 1v2s in the early game so target the squishy enemy when your in a pickle and can't get back to your tower. I usually don't go mobility boots but if your very good then go help out your team with mobility boots.

Is Akali still a good champion? Akali used to be absolutely broken after the rework and then she got toned down to just a strong pick mid and top. However now she keeps getting nerf after nerf and her winrate, while it was never the best, has just tanked.

21/08/2018 ÿú If a good player is playing as Akali it should be very balanced. She was either way too strong or super weak ? she's now flexible enough play safe and has a strong laning phase. Hiprain, 28/05/2020 ÿú Akali dashes 750 units in the direction of the target enemy champion, dealing 80 / 220 / 360 (+0.5% bonus attack damage) (+30% of ability power) magic damage to enemies she passes through. If Akali hits an enemy, she flips over them, continuing the dash up to its normal 750 range but at least another 150 units, for a total maximum dash distance of 900 units if the first enemy she hit was at the.

As gimped as she is currently, her kit is still super fun and versatile at it's core. If Riot nails her balance changes in the future (ie. She stops sucking ass), and you already know how to play her semi decent as she is now, you'll skyrocket to Diamond just by spamming her. And it'll be fun as hell too.

Akali Build Guide : [Season 11] Yamikaze's Challenger.

Akali Counters :: Counter Picking Stats for Akali by.

Akali Counters :: Counter Picking Stats for Akali by.

Akali Build Guides :: League of Legends Strategy Builds, Akali Build for the Highest Win Rate - Akali build from runes, skill order, item path, counters and more in the latest LoL Patch.;"