27/03/2016 ÿú Is Ajinomoto halal? Written by Imam Afroz Ali Aginomoto or Ajinomoto is actually the brand name of a Japanese company that primarily produces monosodium glutamate (MSG). In summary, Ajinomoto, in 2001, had a legal ban in Indonesia because it was found that the Indonesian plant was using a porcine-based (pork-based) extract to culture enzymes used?, According to this point, some muslim scholars said Ajinomoto was safe, a halal product but Indonesian Ulema Council declared that Ajinomoto was not halal. It became a big political issue. Ajinomoto, having a big factory with thausand workers in Indonesia, was threatened.
20/06/2021 ÿú Publish with Author Ajinomoto at 20 June 2021. Jakarta ? Providing delicious, quality, and reliable products has always been a commitment of PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA. Therefore, PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA has consistently implemented a Halal Assurance System (HAS) in all of its factories regarding Halal Product Guarantee.
20/06/2021 ÿú Therefore, PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA has consistently implemented a Halal Assurance System (HAS) in all of its factories regarding Halal Product Guarantee. HAS implementation refer to the rules of the Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics of.
31/08/2017 ÿú Dia mengatakan PT Ajinomoto Indonesia berkomitmen untuk tetap memproduksi hanya produk-produk halal dengan mengikuti syariat Islam berdasarkan penilaian LPPOM MUI dan fatwa MUI. Setelah produk dinyatakan halal dan mendapat sertifikat halal , maka oleh BPOM-RI diatur kembali tentang penggunaan logo halal sesuai aturan yang ditetapkan oleh BPOM-RI.;"