Selasa, 14 September 2021

Dr Platt Adrenaline

Platt Wellness Center, 15/09/2020 ÿú Excerpted from ? Adrenaline Dominance: A Revolutionary Approach to Wellness? by Dr . Michael E. Platt . There is a healthcare crisis in America that is completely under the radar. Almost every family is affected some way or another. It is associated with adrenaline , a hormone that most people know as the ?fight-or-flight?, 17/08/2021 ÿú Why adrenaline peaks at 2:30 am How progesterone can benefit wellness Dr . Michael E. Platt , the Author of Adrenaline Dominance, shares his research into the problems caused by the body holding excess adrenaline . From weight gain to the common headache, adrenaline may be the underlying cause not previously considered.

Host Brad Kearns talks to Dr . Michael Platt about the controversial and cutting edge subject of Adrenalin Dominance, the title of Platt ?s new book and a topic that Platt argues is widely misunderstood and misinterpreted. Dr . Platt explains that the catch-all health disturbance of adrenal fatigue is diagnosed by low salivary cortisol, which is actually indicative of adrenalin dominance.

Dr . Michael Platt joins the show to discuss how progesterone can help block adrenaline dominance, which is a root cause of many health issues. He also discusses the symptoms of adrenaline dominance and some of the best tips and techniques to help address adrenaline surges.

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I asked Dr . Michael Platt to come on the show to discuss all things adrenaline . Dr . Platt is a board-certified in Internal Medicine and.

19/07/2019 ÿú In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I asked Dr . Michael Platt to come on the show to discuss all things adrenaline . Dr . Platt is a board certified in Intern...;"