Selasa, 07 September 2021

Diana Vs Akali S11

A statistical breakdown of the Diana vs Akali matchup in the Middle Lane. See which champion is the better pick with our Akali vs Diana matchup statistics. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends.

The stats shown on this page clarify some vital Diana versus Akali matchup stats that may help us explain the differences and similarities between the pair. Diana ?s KDA ratio ( [kills + assists] / deaths) of 2.2 is similar to Akali ?s ratio of 2.2, highlighting that Diana may be just as central to her team's team fighting effectiveness than.

Diana is tankier, has a shield and has really useful CC but needs to land a skillshot to perform burst. Akali is screwed by any hard cc but she is slippery, uses energy, has sustain, and very reliable burst. Also she's easier to play. What has me playing Akali over Diana is the sustain and use of energy.

Akali Build for the Highest Win Rate - Akali build from runes, skill order, item path, counters and more in the latest LoL Patch. Akali Counter (Middle, Season 11) - Champions - League of Legends Language, A statistical breakdown of the Akali vs Tristana matchup in the Middle Lane. See which champion is the better pick with our Tristana vs Akali matchup statistics. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends.

Diana vs Akali Counter Build | MOBA Champion, Akali Build Guide : New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor.

Akali Build Guide : New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor.

Akali Build Guide : New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor.

Lets talk about some variation to runes! VS Presence Of Mind is very good for teamfights as you get energy on kill meaning you can do a lot of in extended fights and this is why people usually run it in combination with Rift Maker and Conqueror. Triumph is commonly used as a tower dive rune, its really good when combined with an aggressive akali . Even though Triumph is more situational then.

A statistical breakdown of the Diana vs Heimerdinger matchup in the Middle Lane. See which champion is the better pick with our Heimerdinger vs Diana matchup statistics. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends.

x Akali is an assasin champ that at season 11 she is op with the new items and the buffs. it'a a difficult champ that you must play a lot to learn all the mechanics and the combos. just follow the guide i showed you and the threats so you will play better and better. x If you want to play like a pro the videos that are below will help you a lot. If you are new at akali you must see a video ...;"