Notes. Agent stack memory does not count towards instance memory usage. While agent_stack_sz can be configured with a high stack space allocation for maximum usage, on average, only a small amount of allocated stack space is used by a thread. It is only this smaller amount which requires system memory. On HP-UX operating systems, thread stack space requires a swap reservation.
Database Manager Shared Memory Database Manager Shared Memory is affected by the following configuration parameters: The audit_buf_ sz configuration parameter determines the size of the buffer used in database auditing activities. The mon_heap_ sz configuration parameter determines the size of the memory area used for database system monitoring data. For partitioned database systems, the.
db2 update dbm cfg using MAX_QUERYDEGREE 1. db2 update dbm cfg using AGENT_STACK_SZ 1024 (can be higher like 4096) Example for BW Systems: db2 update dbm cfg using INTRA_PARALLEL YES. db2 update dbm cfg using MAX_QUERYDEGREE 8 (should be set to amount of phys. available CPU's, or you can use ANY instead) db2 update dbm cfg using AGENT _ STACK .
zDB2 LUW Administrative 'objects' provide an easy?to?use [application programming] interface to DB2 administrative tasks and [performance] data, using familiar SQL statements ... agent_stack_sz , agentpri, conn_elapse, diaglevel, mon_heap_ sz , notifylevel, numdb,.
Looking at How Much Memory DB2 is Using ?, Looking at How Much Memory DB2 is Using ?, Looking at How Much Memory DB2 is Using ?, Examples. Both node type and platform determine which configuration parameters are listed. The following example is a sample output after running the GET DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION command on a Linux© operating system with a Db2 © pureScale© instance:. Database Manager Configuration Node type = Enterprise Server Edition with local and remote clients Database manager.
20/04/2021 ÿú Stop the agent Using the DB2 Command Window (Administrator) issue the following commands: db2 connect to SQDRPnn db2 update db cfg using extended_row_ sz ENABLE db2 connect reset. Start the agent . Run the subscription and confirm that it succeeds. Note: This tip applies only to Staging agents created with versions of SQDR Plus earlier than 4.50.
20/11/2012 ÿú AGENT_STACK_SZ ASLHEAPSZ RQRIOBLK Why there is no exact way to say ? DB2 should be using X memory at any given time?? It took me a while to understand this. There are two big reasons you cannot just add up parameters as configured in DBM and DB configurations and say exactly how much memory DB2 should be using at any one time.
19/04/2018 ÿú db2 CREATE DATABASE RD_TEST AUTOMATIC STORAGE YES ON 'C:\' DBPATH ON 'C:\' USING CODESET UTF-8 TERRITORY US COLLATE USING SYSTEM PAGESIZE 8192 As a separate matter, with Db2 - LUW it is wise to ensure you are always on the latest build of IBM Data Studio. But that is unrelated to the operation of commands in the regular db2cmd.exe window.;"