05/11/2020 ÿú Class G Airspace Weather & Visibility Requirements. Although Class G is uncontrolled, it is also subject to the most weather restrictions based on where the airspace is located. 1,200ft or less above the surface (regardless of MSL altitude) Day: 1 statute mile visibility and clear of clouds, Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, the following operations may be conducted in Class G airspace below 1,200 feet above the surface: (1) Helicopter. A helicopter may be operated clear of clouds in an airport traffic pattern within 1/2 mile of the runway or helipad of intended landing if the flight visibility is not less than 1/2 statute mile.
07/01/2021 ÿú On the other hand, Class G airspace has four different sets of altitude-dependent minimums. For Class B, C, D, and E airspace below an altitude of 10,000? MSL, the basic VFR weather minimums are: Flight visibility of 3 statute miles (SM), Airspace Depiction: Amazon, Sectional Charts Amazon, Sectional Charts Class G airspace is not depicted on any chart Air Traffic Control Facility: None VFR Visibility Requirements: In accordance with FAR 91.155: Altitude: 1,200' or less above the surface (regardless of MSL altitude) Flight Visibility: Day: 1 SM Night: 3 SM;"