ADVANSAFIX IV R was developed so that children from 9 to 36 kg can travel safely and comfortably ? ideal for every family. Thanks to the FLIP&GROW function, you can switch from the integrated 5-point harness to the 3-point seat belt as your child grows, with just a few simple steps.
Avtosede? Britax R”mer Advansafix IV R je oblikovan za varno in udobno vo?njo otrok, te?kih od do 36 kg. Je idealen avtosede? za vsako dru?ino. Zahvaljujo? funkciji Flip&Grow lahko avtosede? enostavno pretvorite iz avtosede?a s 5-to?kovnim varnostnim pasom v avtosede? s 3-to?kovnim pasom -.
ADVANSAFIX IV R was developed so that children from 9 to 36 kg can travel safely and comfortably ? ideal for every family. Thanks to the FLIP&GROW function, you can switch from the integrated 5-point harness to the 3-point seat belt as your child grows, with just a few simple steps.
Skupina 1/2/3. Skupina 1/2/3. AVTOSEDE? . Britax R”mer Avtosede? Advansafix IV R - Air Silver . Skupina 1/2/3, od 9 do 36 kg, od 9 mesecev do 12 let, bo?na za??ita SICT, 5 to?kovni varnostni pas (do 18 kg), prilagodljiva vi?ina naslona za glavo, odstranljiva prevleka, garancija za brezhibno delovanje: 2.
Avtosede? Britax R”mer Advansafix IV R je oblikovan za varno in udobno vo?njo otrok, te?kih od do 36 kg. Je idealen avtosede? za vsako dru?ino. Zahvaljujo? funkciji Flip&Grow lahko avtosede? enostavno pretvorite iz avtosede?a s 5-to?kovnim varnostnim pasom v avtosede? s 3-to?kovnim pasom -.
Britax - Romer va ofera o gama variata de carucioare pentru copii, landouri, scaune auto simple si cu sistem isofix, precum si produse si accesorii speciale pentru transportul in siguranta al copiilor. ... ADVANSAFIX IV R Air Silver (Cool Flow Silver ) Descriere ADVANSAFIX IV R .
Growing up with the Britax R”mer child safety seat Advansafix IV R is going to be fun and easy at the same time. This child car seat provides your little one from 9 months up to 12 years with maximum comfort and safety. Key features at at glance: Age recommendation: Group 1/2/3, from approx. 9 months up to 12 years / from approx. 9 up to 36 kg;"