Jumat, 10 September 2021

Ay Caramba Means

­Ay, caramba! - Wikipedia, ­Ay, caramba! | Simpsons Wiki | Fandom, ­Ay, caramba! | Simpsons Wiki | Fandom, ­Ay, caramba! | Simpsons Wiki | Fandom, Spanish Literally: Ay - Ouch! or Ahhh! Caramba - Good Greif! or Damn It!, Ay Caramba! (Pronounced [aj ka rumba]), from the Spanish interjections Ay ( donating surprise or pain) and Caramba (a euphemism for Carajo), is an exclamation used in Spanish to donate surprise (usual positive). The word Caramba is also used in Portuguese. 219 views. ú.

A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g. skinny, grandma). (colloquial) (used to express surprise) Regionalism used in Latin America: all the countries in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Does not include Spain. (Latin America) a. wow. ­Ay, caramba!, ­Ay, caramba! is a Spanish phrase denoting surprise or pain. In English, it translates to Oh no!. Bart Simpson wasn't the only character to use this: A construction foreman who coincidentally sounded a lot like Bart also used it. Lisa even used it.

25/11/2013 ÿú ?It?s the Spanish version of ?Hot damn!?? Isabelle told him. TV Fanatic's Teresa Lopez loved the quick lesson -- especially the fact that his reaction to learning the meaning of ay caramba was to exclaim, Ay caramba !, 09/04/2009 ÿú Caramba is a euphemism for carajo, which means penis and is a preferred curse word for those fey South Americans and Spaniards, and the bowdlerized ­ Ay,.

Poblacion, Pronunciamiento, Sangria, S¡ se puede, Taco, D'oh!, The Simpsons, Caramba!, The Simpsons Movie, ­Ay Caramba!;"