Audi Car Configurator, Audi reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice, in colours, material, equipment, specifications and models in the Audi Car Configurator and is not responsible for typographical errors, digital errors or omissions. Such changes may affect vehicle pricing and vehicle content.
û The specified fuel consumption and emission data have been determined according to the measurement procedures prescribed by law. Since 1st September 2017, certain new vehicles are already being type-approved according to the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP), a more realistic test procedure for measuring fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
Konfigur tor . Azonnal elvihet? j rm?vek. £j A8 TFSI e Kombin lt zemanyag-fogyaszt s*: 2,5-2,6 l/100 km ... Megjegyz‚s: Az Audi Q5 egyel?re nem konfigur lhat¢ az £j modell‚vre. Az £j Q5 TFSI e megtekint‚se. £j Q5 Sportback Kombin lt zemanyag-fogyaszt s*: 5,3-7,6 l/100 km.
Obr?cze k¢? ze stopu metali lekkich 8Jx18, 5 - ramienne z oponami 235/60 R18. 3-letnie ubezpieczenie opon w cenie.
Der Audi Q5 . Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert *: 7,5?4,7 l/100 km. CO?-Emissionen kombiniert *: 181?123 g/km. Der Audi Q5 vereint Sportlichkeit mit hoher Alltagstauglichkeit. Seine sportliche Designsprache fasziniert auf den ersten Blick und seine Dynamik begeistert dank optionalem Allradantrieb quattro auf jeder Fahrt. car-search-large.
Pro modelovì rok je SUV Audi Q5 Sportback vyr b?no nejen v nejni??¡ vìbav? Advanced, ale tak‚ v n?kolika dal?¡ch. Jeho ofici ln¡ konfigur tor najdete na str nk ch Audi : Nov‚ vozy Q5 Sportback Konfigur tor Skladov‚ vozy Operativn¡ leasing Poptat online, Prosje?na potro?nja goriva: 2,1-1,9 l/100 km Prosje?na potro?nja energije: 18,1-17,5 kWh/100km CO?-emisije, kombinirano: 48-44 g/km;"