Alkaline-surfactant-polymer flooding of active oil under.
(PDF) Alkaline/Surfactant/Polymer (ASP) Flooding, The alkaline-surfactant-polymer (ASP) technology uses similar mechanisms as in the micellar flood technique that is designed to mobilize the residual oil. The alkaline-surfactant-polymer technology is based on combining interfacial tension?reducing chemicals with mobility control chemical to improve the overall displacement efficiency and increase the incremental oil recovery.
08/04/2021 ÿú Jump to navigation Jump to search. Alkaline-Surfactant-Polymer (ASP) Flooding is one of the proven technology in chemically enhanced oil recovery (CEOR) methods, which can be used for recovering heavy oil containing organic acids from sandstone formations. ASP Flooding belongs to a class of CEOR method that uses the benefits of combinations of.
process would be an alkaline-surfactant-polymer (ASP) flood. The use of alkali also reduces adsorption of anionic surfactants on sandstones because the high pH reverses the charge of the posi-tively charged clay sites where adsorption occurs. The initial portion of a Shell field test, which did not use polymer, demonstated that residual oil could be displaced by an alkaline-surfactant process (Falls.
A synthetic surfactant is injected simultaneously with the alkali. A water-soluble polymer is also injected, both in mixture with the alkali and surfactant and as a slug following the mixture, to increase the viscosity of the injectant, thereby improving mobility control of the flood ?;"