Aktaprint Bt . a t‚rk‚pen. Figyelem!! A t‚rk‚p helyzete egy automatikus keres‚s eredm‚nye. El?fordulhat, hogy a helyzet pontatlan. K‚rjk, szks‚g szerint, l‚pjenek kapcsolatba a(z) Aktaprint Bt . c‚ggel, hogy ellen?r¡zz‚k a poz¡ci¢t.
AKTAPRINT Bt . Teljes n‚v AKTAPRINT Kereskedelmi Szolg ltat¢ Bt . Sz‚khely 1162 Budapest, P lfi J nos t‚r 2. Alap¡t s ‚ve 1999 Ad¢sz m 20596664-2-42 F?tev‚kenys‚g 1812 Nyom s (kiv‚ve: napilap), Az Aktaprint nyomda tulajdonosa vagyok. T”bb, mint 30 ‚ves szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkezem, csal di c‚gnket pedig 1999 ¢ta vezetem. Rem‚lem ”n is hamarosan megtapasztalhatja milyen Aktaprint partnernek lenni.. Majsai P‚ter - alap¡t¢, 09/07/2021 ÿú Aktaprint is offset printing house established in 2000. We print high quality products with variable postpress options: brochures, magazines, folders, flyers, die-cut prints, posters, calendars, postcards, document folders, books, packages, wobblers etc. We offer additional value-adding processing of products: foil printing, stamping, water.
Aktaprint Bt . Nov 2010 - Present 10 years 5 months. IT System Specialist of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Independent IT and Services Professional 2008 - Present 13 years. Budapest, Hungary IT System Engineering and Services specialized for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Jelenleg nyitva tart¢ Nyomtat stechnika, nyomda Budapest XVI. Kerlet telepl‚sen ‚s tov bbi adatok mint c¡m, telefonsz m ‚s t‚rk‚p.
1.1 About UNICORN UNICORN? ?, 09/10/2020 ÿú This song is meant for entertainment purposes only and we do not intend to hurt the sentiments of any individual, community, sect or religion.?????? ?????? ?...;"