Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art Ljubljana, 18/10/2020 ÿú Stereotype atau stereotip tanpa kita sadari perilaku ini sangat sering kita temui di sekeliling kita. Bukan hanya di Indonesia, bahkan di seluruh negara di dunia perilaku ini tidak dapat dihindari. Lantas apa sih sebetulnya stereotype ini?, about aksioma .tech We established our fund with the purpose to identify ambitious software teams with a clear understanding of how tomorrow will be. The team searches for startups with scalable business models build on strong economic fundamentals.
Recognising this specific role of documentary film, since 2012 Aksioma has been presenting, for the first time in Slovenia, documentary movies strongly related to its overall programme, and able to generate a better awareness on topics ranging from long-term nuclear waste storage to online memes, from anti-globalization activism to the socio-political implications of pornography.;"