At Ajinomoto Foods Europe SAS , we focus on basic taste, centering on UMAMI, savory and sweet. Our formulation expertise with ingredients and food systems makes it possible for our customers to build strong brands and offer consumers great-tasting food products. In many countries, the pursuit of health through nutrition is gaining momentum.
AJINOMOTO FOODS EUROPE SAS Hamburg Branch Tel.: +49 (0) 40-37 49 36-0 Fax: +49 (0) 40-37 20 87/88 E-Mail: Andreas_Wille [at] afe. ajinomoto .com Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 20 20459 Hamburg Germany, Ajinomoto Group was born in Japan in 1909, following Dr. Kikunae Ikeda? s discovery of the Umami taste procured from glutamic acid, an amino acid naturally present in Japanese traditional kombu* bouillon. Since then, the group has been striving to contribute to people?s lives all over the world, combining deliciousness with wellbeing.As.
Ajinomoto Foods Europe S.A.S . (AFE) is an affiliate of Ajinomoto Group located in France. Ajinomoto Group is well-known in the world as one of the biggest food companies in Japan, active in 100 countries and regions worldwide, employing around 25,000 people. Ajinomoto ?s signature product.
Company | AJINOMOTO FOOD SOLUTIONS | EUROPE, Ajinomoto Group Global Website - Eat Well, Live Well.
Start | AJINOMOTO FOOD SOLUTIONS | EUROPE, Home | AJINOMOTO Transglutaminase, Ajinomoto Foods Europe SAS . Ajinomoto Foods Europe provides food products. The Company offers frozen foods, noodles, and other ingredients. Ajinomoto Foods Europe serves customers worldwide.
We established our position with ?UMAMI?, being the first pioneer in the world to start selling UMAMI seasoning in 1909. Starting from UMAMI, we have extended our field to.
AJINOMOTO FOODS EUROPE SAS Hamburg Branch Tel.: +49 (0) 40-37 49 36-0 Fax: +49 (0) 40-37 20 87/88 Email: Andreas_Wille afe. ajinomoto .com Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 20 20459 Hamburg Germany, Enzyme Preparations. ACTIVA© WM. ACTIVA© EB. ACTIVA© MP. ACTIVA© GS EU. ACTIVA© FEW. ACTIVA© H-JS1 EU. ACTIVA© SYG. ACTIVA© TG-H-NF EU.
Ajinomoto Group Global Website - Eat Well, Live Well. Mid-Term Management Plan Towards 2030. Help people worldwide enhance healthier life by unlocking power of amino acids. About the Ajinomoto Group. Eat Well, Live Well.- our origins lie in this ideal. We have everything you need to know about Ajinomoto ?;"