Solois IU mengunggah video saat dirinya dan sang adik Lee Jong Hoon berbicara dari hati ke hati. Dalam video, Jong Hoon mengungkapkan bahwa selama ini ia merasa khawatir saat IU .
16/12/2020 ÿú IU dan Lee Ji Hoon . Laporan Wartawan Grid.ID, Silmi Nur A. Grid.ID - Penyanyi sekaligus aktris IU mengungkapkan perasaan hatinya tentang definisi kebahagiaan.. Apa yang diungkap IU tampaknya membuat sang adik dan para penggemar meneteskan air mata.. Pada Selasa (14/12/2020), IU mengunggah video berjudul 'Jieun dalam Perspektif Hoon ' di kanal YouTube-nya. Hoon adalah adik laki-laki IU , Lee Jong .
Selain itu, IU juga mengaku punya wajah yang mirip dengan adiknya. IU berujar bahwa sang adik yang bernama Lee Jong Hoon cukup terkenal. Saudaraku dan aku sangat mirip dan terkenal.
09/12/2020 ÿú Channel YouTube IU Official, pada hari Selasa (08/11/20) kemarin mengunggah video IU saat mewancarai sang adik . Adik pelantun Friday itu bernama Lee Jong Hoon . Ia blak-blakan menceritakan kepribadian IU sehari-hari. Selain peran IU ,.
5,894 Followers, 1,486 Following, 953 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from LEE JONGHOON (@baristahoon), 15/05/2019 ÿú Facts About IU ?s Younger Brother, Lee Jong - hoon . After her skyrocketing popularity with the hit song Good Day, IU became a hot topic in South Korea, and earned the nickname the Nation?s Little Sister. Not only herself, but IU ?s family and younger brother also triggered netizens? curiosity.
04/05/2019 ÿú During her appearance on Happy Together 3, IU stated that her brother?s real name, Lee Jong - hoon , and his university have been known to the public, which spread in social media, ? His seniors in the university have high regard for him since they got evidence that we are siblings.
08/12/2020 ÿú Sophia Lee . December 8th, 2020. IU recently uploaded a new video to her YouTube channel which starred her real-life little brother, Lee Jong Hoon . During their interview, Lee Jong Hoon revealed that IU used to beat him down all the time when they were little.;"