Kamis, 16 September 2021

Acard 150 Mg Ulotka

Lek Acard 150 mg zawiera kwas acetylosalicylowy, kt¢ry hamuje zlepianie si? (agregacj?) p?ytek krwi. Lek przeznaczony jest do d?ugotrwa?ego, profilaktycznego stosowania w chorobach, kt¢re gro?? powstaniem zakrzep¢w i zator¢w w naczyniach krwiono?nych. Lek Acard 150 mg stosuje si?: w zapobieganiu zawa?owi serca u os¢b du?ego ryzyka, Jak stosowa? lek ACARD Ten lek nale?y zawsze stosowa? dok?adnie tak, jak to opisano w ulotce dla pacjenta lub wed?ug zalece? lekarza lub farmaceuty. Nale?y skonsultowa? si? z lekarzem przed rozpocz?ciem stosowania leku ACARD. Lek ACARD dost?pny jest w dw¢ch dawkach: 75 mg i 150 mg. Lekarz zaleci dawk? leku w?a?ciw?, ACARD, aspirin, arteriosclerosis, reduce blood clotting Action: Acard at a dose of 150 mg is a medicine containing the composition of acetylsalicylic acid, which inhibits the clumping (aggregation) of blood platelets and is designed for long-term, prophylactic use in diseases that threaten the creation of blood clots and blockages in the blood vessels.

Tabletka dojelitowa produktu Acard ma otoczk? i nie rozpada si? w ?o??dku, przez co zmniejsza si? dra?ni?ce dzia?anie kwasu acetylosalicylowego na b?on? ?luzow? ?o??dka. Tabletki dojelitowe nale?y przyjmowa? po posi?ku - po?yka? w ca?o?ci.

Reduces aggregation, platelet adhesion and thrombus formation through suppression of synthesis of thromboxane A2 in platelets. Reduces mortality and risk of myocardial infarction in unstable stenocardia. It is effective in primary prevention of cardio-vascular system and secondary prevention of.

Oral. Prophylactic 1-2 tablets 75 mg and 1 tablet of 150 mg daily during or after a meal. The tablets should be swallowed whole with a little water. Warning! Do not use for 5-7 days before the scheduled surgery. Do not use in children under 12 years of age due to.

Taking Acard . Usually, it is recommended that the following dosage: 1 tablet ( 150 mg ) per day . Contraindications. Acard drug should not be used in case of: - You are allergic to aspirin, other salicylates or any of the other ingredients of this medicine, - Increased tendency to bleeding and coagulation disorders, - Stomach ulcers and (or) the duodenum,, Acard . Acard may be available in the countries listed below. Ingredient matches for Acard Aspirin. Acetylsalicylic Acid is reported as an ingredient of Acard in the following countries: Lithuania Poland Important Notice: The Drugs. com international database is in BETA release. This means it is still under development and may contain inaccuracies.;"